Friday, 26 December 2014

Boxing Day Wintery Walk

I had nothing to do today other than eat turkey sandwiches and go on a boxing day walk. I completed both tasks. I went up to the Colinton Dell with my Grandparents and Mum. I was very frosty and misty which made it very eerie when we were walking though the grave yard. I got to see some interesting things. The only way I can describe how it felt was winter. We have not had any proper snow yet but I think it's coming! Fingers cross for sledging this year!

Here are some of the photos I took. Hopefully they capture some of the eerie, wintery atmosphere.

When I walked past this note I was expecting it to say 'Lost Cat' I was surprised to see that it was talking about a dinosaur. Me and my Granny had a little confused laugh to our selves.

There is a statue of  the famous Scottish Novelist and Poet Robert Louis Stevenson and his dog. He wrote some very famous stories such as Treasure Island and Kidnapped. My Granny also knew a lot of his poems and was reciting them as we were on our walk.

Got a shot of the 'professional' photographer. My Grandpa is better than me anyway. I learnt everything I know about taking photos from him. He was the one who got me into it in the first place.

Thought this was an interesting idea to use an old shoe as a plant pot!

I wish I could still read what was written on the stone, I think it would be cool to know what it said. My Grandpa reckons the skull and cross bones was put there because the person didn't like their Mother and wanted everyone to know she was evil. Good theory.

Do any of you have any Boxing day traditions? I don't have many but a walk and turkey sandwiches is defiantly part of it.

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