Wednesday, 26 June 2013

1st of June-BBQ-Family-Friends-Celebrations

Hello Blogger Friends,

Quite a few weeks ago I went to my Uncles 40th Birthday BBQ celebration. I took squilions of photos and also made a short video of the day. I am really enjoying documenting my life on this blog. I have ended up treating it like a bit of a scrap book of my life that I can look back on when am old and wrinkly. I hope you are enjoying me sharing my experiences with you. I know I enjoy sharing them.

Here is the video I made. I hope to get better at editing the more I practice. 

 Defiantly not helping with my cupcake addiction!

 Please look away if you are vegetarian! 

 My 8 year old cousin who was feeling very camera shy on this day. I still managed to get a photo when she wasn't looking! Aww sweet freckly nose and long eyelashes <3
 Millions of calories! I can feel my arteries clogging up just looking at it! Still deeeelioosssuss though!

 Aww.. My mum and Dad. 
Also in true British fashion it had to rain at some point.
 Still find this hilarious! Let me know if you understand why this is funny.
This is what I looked like on the day.

David Bowie Tee-shirt - Primark
Pink giraffe print jeans -H&M
Shoes- River island
Camera- Canon EOS 1100D

Thanks for reading my post! What was your favourite photo? What is your favourite thing about summer?



  1. I was about to say how nice the cupcakes looked, but oh my goodess Terrys Chocolate Orange cake?!?! ♥♥ That actually looks and sounds amazinggggg haha xx

  2. I actually love the picture of your cousin, it's so sweet. And she has amazing eyelashes, I'm only the tiniest bit jealous, haha.

    Unfortunately I can't watch the video because of the music :(

